Tuesday, September 18, 2007


In real life, no. But on the blog, I've definitely been slacking.

Real life has been taken up by such varied activities as:
  • attending the wedding of my best friend from junior high;
  • making regular trips to the used book store to unload the boxes and boxes of books I have;
  • planning, shopping for, and cooking meals for twice the number of people as I was cooking for a year ago;
  • planning the backyard design & layout with Mr Wonderful;
  • shopping for Tomboy's bedroom;
  • designing a combination desk/cabinet/bookshelf thing that Babydaddy is custom-building for me;
  • arranging for a vacation in two months, so that we can visit Mr Wonderful's mother and my mother;
  • and rebuilding the old laptop by deleting all software and files, then reinstalling windows and necessary software in order to speed up the computer and keep me from ripping my hair out in big fat chunks.
In other words, it's been the usual hectic mess around here. We do seem to be making some progress though; I've taken at least a dozen boxes of books to the used book store (if not more). Also, there is a bookshelf (hutch-type thing that goes above the cabinet) made, and two cabinet frames, although there are no doors or hinges or anything on the cabinets yet. The desk is not built yet either, but I expect Babydaddy will be done with the whole thing in a few more days. Then I have to putty up all the little nail holes, prime it and paint it. And THEN, finally, I can move all the office stuff out of Tomboy's room.

Thankfully, though, I have something to offset all the insanity in my life: Mr Wonderful. He really is great, y'all. He still makes me laugh and keeps me sane and gives me kickass backrubs when my neck is all knotted up. And he still gives me butterflies. I love how patient he is with the kids, and how he can come home from a long day of work and a hellish commute and make me feel like the most important thing in his day.

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