Friday, May 11, 2007

In sync

Not to be confused with N*SYNC.

In some ways, D and I are perfectly in sync. Other times, not so much. For example - sleeping. I am most definitely a night owl, but D routinely has to get up for work around the time the sun is making its daily appearance on the eastern horizon. So that means he goes to bed a bit earlier than I normally would, and gets up a whole hell of a lot earlier than I normally would. When Rugrat has a school vacation, I'll sleep in until 8 AM on weekdays; even when he's in school I'm not up until 7 AM, which is still significantly later than when D needs to rise & shine in order to deal with the hellish two-hour commute from my house to his work. So...I get less sleep on the nights when D is here. But that's OK - I actually don't mind getting up early in the morning with him. I don't see him as often as I'd like, so having those few minutes together in the morning before he leaves is important to me.

And in other ways, we are completely synchronous. Like, the fact that we are both ridiculously happy with our relationship. We had an interesting conversation last night about all his prior "Jennifers" (he's dated like three or four other Jennifers over the years). And he said that he had decided to give up on the Jennifers, because it never worked out, and then I came back into his life. So I said, "Well, I'll be your last Jennifer." And he said, "Hopefully you'll be my last anything." We are both in this for the long haul, I think. And he makes me feel very secure in the relationship, because he doesn't hold back. Now that he's decided he loves me, he's in it all the way. It's very freeing.

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